Some people drag themselves to the gym because… you know… health and stuff.

Others enjoy the gym, but know that a sesh is just around the corner and missing one class won't signal the end of the world.

And then there are the people who will find any way to shoehorn more exercise into their daily life.

Luckily for those people, a fitness studio in Britain's capital city has announced plans to transform a bus into a… wait for it… mobile spinning studio.

The good folk behind 1Rebel have explained that they intend for the bus to travel from four pick-up points across London, ending at the fitness company's studio.

The morning sessions, which will last 45 minutes and take place behind the tinted windows of the bus, are set to launch at the end of the summer pending Government approval.

Speaking to the Evening Standard, founder James Balfour explained the motivation behind the concept, saying "It is an absolute no-brainer for us that we can create more efficiency in people’s routines by transforming their commute."

"For those who want the components of a class, but perhaps don’t have the time to commit during the day, this provides a great solution for them to maximise time they would otherwise be spending just travelling to work."

Addressing safety concerns with CNBC, James said: "We are working with bus companies and the government to establish all health and safety conditions,"

"As this is such an innovative idea there are no established norms but due to the high levels of interest this is something that all our partners are focused on," he stressed.

Now cynical and all as we might be, would it not just be simpler to cycle to work and save the cash?

Images: 1Rebel