Watch The Fall this week? One of its stars is set for major Star Wars role
The Fall exploded back onto our screen this week, and while we won't give away any spoilers, we will say that it made our hearts pound throughout.
But now, one of its main characters is set to make her way to the shining lights of Hollywood.
Yep, Valene Kane who plays Rose in the hit series is moving from our TV screens to our cinema screens as she's landed a huge role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
The new film is based a few years after Revenge of the Sith, and Valene can't believe she's now a star in the franchise.
"I grew up watching Star Wars and I didn't believe it was happening until I was filming in Iceland.
"It has a really edgy, independent vibe," she told Belfast Live.
The Northern-Irish actress wil take on the role of Lyra Esro, who is Jyn Esro's protagonist mother.
We can't wait to see her in action!