Ana Kriégel’s parents have asked the public to always remember their daughter and to keep her in their thoughts.
The two teenage boys who murdered their daughter were sentenced earlier today. Boy A was sentenced to a term of life for the murder of Ana. He will serve an initial 12 years and the sentence will then be reviewed.
Boy B was sentenced to 15 years but his sentence will be reviewed after eight years.
The boys were 13-years-old when they lured Ana to an abandoned building in Lucan and brutally murdered her.
Ana’s parents spoke outside the Central Criminal Court after the two boys were sentenced.
Her father Patrick said, “Justice has been served for Ana. The judge has decided on the sentence and that duty lies with him alone.
“For our part we can only say that forever is not long enough. Please remember Ana and keep her in your heart somewhere,” he shared.

Her mum Geraldine expressed her gratitude for the Gardaí and public’s support: “We would like to express out extreme gratitude to Mark O’Neill and his team in An Garda Síochána who put everything they had into finding those responsible for Ana’s murder; Síobhán McIntyre, our liaison officer, for holding the family up through all of this pain; Brendan and the legal team; the jury and the judge; the media for being so understanding; the victim support unit; our family, our friends and our neighbours.”
“And thank you to all of the wonderful people out there who supported us and kept us going,” she added.
Ana was 14-years-old when her life was cruelly taken away from her.