One lucky woman just won this £800,000 manor house… in a raffle
What's the first thing that pops into your head when you think about raffles?
Probably those little pink ticket books or that battered teddy bear you won at your primary school's Christmas fair.
Well, forget everything you thought you knew, about well, everything, because this woman just won a £800,000 house in a humble raffle – no, really.
Finance worker, Marie Segar, is now the proud owner of the 18th century Melling Manor in Lancashire, after spending £40 on 20 tickets.
Dunstan Low, the previous owner, decided to raffle off the property after it failed to sell for it's £800,000 asking price.
And after word quickly spread, Dunstan ended up taking in a nifty £900,000 in ticket sales from around the world.
Oh and as if Marie wasn't lucky enough, the house also came with the title, Lady of Melling, which was donated by the manor's previous owner, St John's Hospice in North Lancashire after Dunstan donated £30,000 of the raffle profits.