Revenge porn: New Irish bill calls for 6 month jail term if convicted
With the birth of social media came an upsurge in the circulation of intimate images sent by ex partners in the aftermath of a break up.
Revenge porn, as it is more commonly known, has hit the headlines countless times over recent years, and the Labour Party are seeking to include it in a bill focussing on cyber-bullying.
According to emerging reports, the new bill would see the criminalisation of revenge porn, with those convicted liable to face a six-month prison sentence.
Commenting on the move, Labour leader, Brendan Howlin, reinforces the importance of protecting those who choose to join the online community.
"The advent of technology means we’re now living in a very different communications climate, and Ireland’s harassment current laws don’t reflect that."
"Our Bill seeks to bring existing regulation up to date by broadening the legal definition of communication, so it covers all electronic, written and spoken word, including for example, an iMessage, Whatsapp or Facebook message, and a tweet or social media post," he added.
The Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Bill will be debated in the Dáil this evening.