This 15-year old has been inspiring people around the world as she bravely battles cancer and shares her journey online.

Katie-Lily Bryant was diagnosed with stage four Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is saying that you can find the positive side of even the most negative situations. Her brutally honest account of her treatment includes her account of undergoing chemotherapy.

She says after her diagnosis her main concern was how it would change how she looked:

“Immediately after I was diagnosed, I didn’t think about cancer I just thought about my hair. I knew it would fall out during chemotherapy.”

Katie even went as far as spray tanning her head in efforts to keep things as normal as possible. Now she explains that after losing her hair, she felt more confident than ever before.

“I realised it was a life-threatening disease. If losing my hair and eyebrows keeps me alive I’d rather be bald. I struggled with my confidence before but now I’m so much more confident.” She says: "I am no longer focused on looks… I’ve stopped taking life for granted."

While her doctors are no certain of her prognosis, and she may need a hip replacement later in her life, Katie remains upbeat and takes it all in her stride.

Her blog has become incredibly popular and on it she posts honest insights into her life with cancer and inspires others going through the same experience.

She tries to remind her readers that while appearances seem to be the most important aspect of life that is not true in many cases. While before she was worried losing her brows would be the most difficult part of her illness, Katie says she feels more confident about her looks since undergoing chemo.

She wants people to “just sit down and appreciate everything we have got”.