Is there anything in the world that brings more joy than scaring someone who's really jumpy?

We think not. That's why we were in stitches today watching this compilation by Irish Snapchat king James Kavanagh, who gets intense pleasure from scaring his boyfriend William on a daily basis.

#ScaringWilliam – LE FILM

Scaring my boyfriend gives me great pleasure.

Posted by James Kavanagh on Sunday, 11 October 2015

James has put some of William's best moments together in this two-minute clip, aptly titled Scaring William: LE FILM.

"He's hilariously jumpy," James told the Irish Independent of his boyfriend. If we were William we'd definitely have chopped off a few fingers by now – being scared with a knife in your hand is no joke.

James has become something of a self-made star through his Snapchat videos, which get thousands of views a day.

As well as jumpy William, the videos also feature lots of advice on how to combat basic bitches (a daily struggle, tbh).

And of course wise words like these on how to deal with annoying taxi drivers:

If you don't already follow Mr. Kavanagh (@JamesKava) on Snapchat, you need to make it happen. Like, now.