Household items to stop buying and start making
If your start making these everyday household items yourself rather than buying them, you can cut down on costs.
1. Air freshener
Make your own air freshener with some 1 tbsp of baking soda, some water and a few drops of an essential oil. Good ones to use are lemon, sweet orange or maybe cinnamon. Here are some great tips on making your home smell nice without the expense.
2. Face wash
There are hundreds of great home-made DIY face cleansers and masks out there on the internet. From clay to milk and honey you can find one to suit your skin type. Here are some great recipes to get you started.
3. Surface cleaner
Many people are wary about using traditional cleaning products due to children and pets. The base for a good home-made all-purpose cleaner is vinegar, baking soda, surgical spirit and some non-toxic cleaning agents.
4. Body scrubs
Just like face cleansers there are lots of great body scrub recipes out there that contain great everyday ingredients such as salt, sugar, honey, oats, coffee, the list goes on!
5. Drain unblocker
Use this great tip to clear your drains easily without a trip to the shops.