HB Fundays - Editorial Header2015 is the 13th year that HB Hazelbrook Farm has supported the Ice Cream Fundays campaign, helping to raise more than €3million for Down Syndrome Ireland over that period.

HB DSI Ice Cream Fundays  09Last year, 1,020 parties across Ireland saw 142,442 people participate in the campaign and enjoy free HB Hazelbrook Farm ice cream.

The campaign is a vital source of funding for the development of Down Syndrome Ireland’s nationwide support services to their members, families and organisations, which are in huge demand and under resourced.

The monies raised help to fund core services in the areas of Early Development, Education, Health, Speech and Language Therapy and Independence to members of DSI and the professional community connected by Down Syndrome.

Organise your very own ice cream party this summer to raise much needed funds for DSI.

Click here for everything you will need to organise your HB Hazelbrook Farm Ice Cream Fundays party.