A number of years ago, Rutgers University in New Jersey decided that it was high-time students began studying the life and times of Beyoncé Knowles.

No longer sufficient to simply butcher the singer's songs during ill-advised karaoke sessions, the powers that be at Rutgers encouraged students to enroll in “Politicizing Beyoncé,” a Spring semester course at the New Jersey school.

And it doesn't seem like the approach was a flash in the pan either, with Copenhagen University deciding to follow suit this year.

According to a report in The Telegraph, 'Beyoncé, Gender and Race' has piqued the attention of the student body, with more than 500 students signing up to participate.

Speaking to local press, Professor Erik Steinskog outlined the overview of the course, and provided the public with an insight into the university's decision to create the module.

"We will analyse her songs and music videos. There will be a focus on gender, sexuality and race," he said.

"One of the goals [of the class] is to introduce black feminist thought, which is not well known in Scandinavia. We want to explore the kind of entity feminism is,” he said.

“Beyoncé is important in understanding the world we live in. Beyoncé is one of the biggest pop artists today, which makes her important in an analysis of contemporary times."

Ladies, we'd be front-row centre, pen and paper in hand.