When the presents are opened and the dinner is demolished, there's nothing better than sitting down with the fam and having a good crack at a board game.

Whether it's Scrabble or Cluedo, or everyone's favourite, Monopoly, we all think that it's going to be a great laugh… until you're actually in the middle of it.

Little Scrabble letters get thrown, insults are shouted, and it generally ends up with the board game turned upside down and your mam having her third glass of wine.

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But things are a little different this year ladies, because Hasbro UK and Ireland Craig Wilkins have set up a hotline to help you settle your gaming woes.

From the 24 to 26 December, the hotlines will be open for business, the the managing director of the companies hoping it will diffuse any family arguments.

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He said: “We’ll have experts on hand with the official rulebooks to instantly settle any disputes, and advice on how to resolve common complaints, with each person also having the opportunity to make a donation to Childline when they call."

Hands up who will probably have a family argument either way?!