Super exciting Beyoncé news is accidentally leaked!
There’s very exciting news for Beyoncé fans today as the news has leaked that she will be starring in upcoming movie The Big Short!
The star-studded cast already features major Hollywood players such as Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrell and Christian Bale – and now Queen Bey!
However, it is believed the news was not meant for the attention of the public quite yet and was accidentally leaked by author of The Big Short, Michael lewis.
Speaking on CBS, the author of the book on which the movie is based, speaks about the cast adding “and I think Beyoncé”. Oops!
This will be far from Bey’s first film however, as she has actually starred in TEN since 2001 although her last big screen appearance was in the animated film Epic in 2013.
We can’t wait to see where this goes.