From MAC to NYX: How your FAVE beauty brands got their names
We are girls and we love make-up. SHOCKER. And we will therefore take any opportunity to discuss make-up in detail because make up what makes us happy.
Whether you are all about the packaging or swear by your go-to foundation, we all have our favourite brands for many, usually very specific, reasons.
But how did MAC become MAC? And what benefit is there to be had from Benefit? Oh and just WHO is the Essie behind Essie?
Do we have you wondering? Well wonder no more.
The glorious Nyx was named after the Greek goddess of the night. Nyx (the goddess that is) symbolises beauty and power (of course).
Touché, Nyx.

The Essie behind Essie is none other than the company’s founder, Essie Weingarten. Having set up her company in 1981, Essie is a pretty impressive business woman.
Essie cosmetics was sold to L'Oréal ensuring business success for the foreseeable future.
You go girl.
Maybelline New York

In 1915, Mabel Williams mixed coal and Vaseline together and applied her concoction to her lashes and brows, making them look fuller and darker.
Yep, you guessed it! She was one of the first people to create mascara as we know it.
Inspired by her creation, her brother set up Maybell Laboratories and eventually changed the name to Maybelline.

MAC was founded in Canada in the eighties and was originally intended to be marketed solely towards make up professionals.
As a result, MAC simply stands for Makeup Art Cosmetics

This cosmetics brand was named after… a castle?
The founder of the company named his new venture after a French castle called the Château de Lancosme that he had visited on his holiers.
Yellow flowers that were seen growing in the castles gardens served as the inspiration for the brands' iconic flower emblem.

Shiseido is one of the longest running cosmetics brands in the world having been founded in 1872.
The name comes from a Chinese book entitled I Ching (that’s the Book of Changes to you and me). This ancient and historic manual is one of the oldest of the Chinese classics.
The word shiseido itself comes from a passage in the text that means: "Praise the virtues of the great Earth, which nurtures new life and brings forth new values."

Benefit cosmetics started out as a beauty boutique called The Face Place which was opened by the Ford sisters in the seventies.
As the store originally focused solely on make up products that would tackle common problems and blemishes, it would make sense that the brand eventually became Benefit.
As in beneficial cosmetics, geddit?!