5 things the ‘fashion squad’ do on Instagram we all hate
If you use social media at all these days you have more than likely come across a few common trends. It’s very easy to jump on the bandwagon, we’re probably all a little guilty of one or more (or all) of these little quirks.
You have to admit that are a couple of these trends, mostly found crowding our Instagram feeds that might just bit a touch overdone.
These were just some of the trends that we think could everyone could take a break from every now and then.
The less-than stellar foodie snap.
We would actually prefer to see your sock collection again instead of another box of detox teas, thanks.
The 'candid' moment
Do you have a triple jointed wrist or does your iced latte actually levitate? Amazing.
The selfies
We love when people are confident and not afraid to show it, but we wouldn't mind seeing your actual outfit instead of 60 different versions of your contouring.
The legs POV photos
So you went to the Bahamas? It's hard to know when your sunkissed knees are taking up most of the frame…
We want to see all your excellent style we really do, but when you make a collage with 7 or more images that means we have to zoom. Instagram does not have a zoom feature!