Tinder not working out? Your NAME could be causing left swipes

While there are plenty of ways to be judged on Tinder (not going to lie, we're judgey too) but apparently now your name could be working against you in the pursuit of Tinder love.

Thanks for that, parents.

Tinder have revealed their top ranking names of people with the most right swipes, leaving the rest of us in the dust.

Blessed with the name Hannah? You're in luck, you are most likely to get all those right swipes.

Rounding out the rest of the top five are Emma, Julia, Emily and Lauren. So if your not getting right swipes, it's because these girls are taking them all.

Is it too late to legally change our names for the sake of Tinder love?

The most swiped men's names were also revealed.

Lucas, Ryan, Matthew, Josh and Nick proved the most popular amongst the right-swiping ladies.

What's in a name, really?
