Linsday Lohan has officially confirmed what we have all believed for quite some time now, Mean Girls 2 does not count as a sequel to our beloved Mean Girls

However, it has become clear that the 29-year old is keen for a different sequel to go into development: Mean Moms.

Lindsay posted a screen shot of a conversation she was having with a friend earlier today about the prospect. She captioned the photo: "wow I do feel a bit late on this one haha (next step: #MEANMOMS) I'm trying to make it happen!"

One of the first things we noticed about the Instagram upload was that Lindsay did not remember why today's date was so special. We were shocked, how could she? 


However, it did click once her friend sent her a picture of Cady and Aaron and that famous exchange in the film. 

It’s been 11 years since Mean Girls was released and the film became a classic of sorts. It’s the film many a 00s girls can recite without prompting. Many would, of course be very excited about a possible sequel. totally stoked by a sequel.

Could it happen?

Jennifer Aniston is set to star in Mean Moms. A film based on a book by Rosalind Wiseman, who also wrote the book on which Mean Girls was based. There’s been no confirmation that Mean Moms is a sequel, but the internet has very strong feelings in favour of that happening.


Maybe Lindsay was hinting at an appearance alongside Jennifer Aniston?  Or is she trying to make another sequel happen?