Women are better multi-taskers than men. We've been told by our male counterparts for years that this is just a myth, but now, there's some science to back it up.

According to a research piece in the Royal Society Open Science, female sex hormones define a woman's ability to do various tasks at once.

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The researchers asked 83 people to participate in the study who were then required to walk on a treadmill while performing a number of cognitive tasks in order to test the left side of the brain.

The findings saw that men and menopausal women were less able to carry out the tasks at hand while simultaneously walking on the treadmill.

However, younger, pre-menopausal woman could carry the tasks out sufficiently.

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"Women under 60 are surprisingly resistant to this effect," the researchers wrote. "Overcoming this interference appears to be a trait unique to younger females and implies significant gender differences at the top of the hierarchical chain of locomotor control," scientist Tim Killeen told The Telegraph.

"Whether this finding is generalisable to other examples of multitasking, such as driving and talking, walking and texting is speculative," he added.