Whether or not you like Derren Brown, we all have to admit that his TV shows are somewhat shocking.

Not only did he get a group of people to perform an armed robbery, he also used his skills to expose the 'powers' of faith-healing.

But in his new show, Pushed to The Edge, he has taken it to a completely new level.

Airing on Channel 4 on Tuesday, Derren sets out to persuade an "unwitting member of the public into believing that they have pushed someone to their death."

On the show, you will see the outcome of this very elaborate set-up, but behind it all, Derren says that his point is political.

“It’s particularly relevant with our political situation, with people being radicalised into doing bad things, but it can also operate on a private, quiet level socially,” says Mr Brown.

“When we find ourselves in groups or with charismatic individuals, we might do things we wouldn’t ordinarily do.

“What the show asks is whether the mechanics of social compliance can be manipulated to push someone off a building to their death. Could it be taken that far?”

We're not sure about you, but we certainly think that the new episode is going to be chilling.