Female celebrities have been taking to social media in their droves to offer support to singer Kesha, who is currently locked in a legal battle with her record company, Sony – and in tuyrn her former producer Dr. Luke.

One star in particular – Taylor Swift – took her support one step further and quietly donated a whopping €225,000 towards her court fees.

While Kesha's own mother was quick to thank T-Swift for her large donation, not everyone was quite so happy with the singer's decision.

Demi Lovato took to Twitter minutes after the news broke, hitting back at Taylor's decision to donate rather than publicly speak out about Kesha's claims that Dr Luke abused his professional relationship her drugging and raping her shortly after her 18th birthday. 

"'Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I'll be impressed," she wrote.

In a series of now-deleted tweets, Demi went on to defend herself against the (unsurprising) wrath of Taylor's fans, one of whom accused her of making the drama about herself.

"How the f**k am I making this about myself? At least I'm talking about it," she replied.

"Not everyone has 250k to just give to people. Would love to but I didn't grow up with money and def haven't made as much as her. At least I speak up about s*** that's uncomfortable to talk about rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7.

"There's no "rivalry" I just give more f**ks than other people and would rather start a dialogue ABOUT WOMEN COMING FORWARD ABOUT BEING RAPED than throw money at one person."

Ouch. As yet there's no word from Taylor on this, but we reckon she'll be taking the high road and staying silent.