10 adorable pictures to celebrate International HEDGEHOG day
Sometimes an under-rated member of the animal kingdom – hedgehogs still deserve our love and devotion.
Why, I hear you ask?
Well, they are cute and prickly – a bit like ourselves at the best of times, right?
Anyway, today is Internation hedgehog today – a chance to celebrate these little creatures.
So, we are here to provided you with an array of adorable hedgehog pictures – because we can.
Bow down to the greatness…
1. Peaky Blinders Hedgehog (amazing!)
2. Hey there, sailor.
3. Coachella vibes.
4. Olé.
4. Anyone for a cheeky cone?
5. The birthday boy!
6. Can't take the cuteness tbh.
7. Sorry. We're done.
8. Winter woolies are key.
9. Live your best life hun.
10. Hedgehogs are deadly. End of discussion.