Travelling with your best friend is good for your health, says science
Now that the Christmas celebrations are beginning to wind down, we have been dreaming of hopping on a plane. We’re so tired of these freezing, dark evenings – we're desperate for some sunshine!
We find ourselves swooning over snaps of Bali and Hawaii on Instagram and scrolling through the Ryanair site to see what flights we can afford with the €16 in our bank accounts.
If you too are hoping to jet away with the gals in the coming months then we’ve got wonderful news for you.
Going away with the girlies is actually good for your health.
That’s right, booking a girls trip will boost your happiness and improve your health, according to researchers and who are we to argue with science?
Psychologist William Chopik discovered that our friendships have the biggest impact on our wellbeing. His study, which was published in Personal Relationships, found that spending quality time with your friends improves your mood.
He explained, “These are relationships of choice. You choose to hang out together because you enjoy each other’s company.”
He added: “You can sit down, look them in the eye, have a true back-and-forth, and read each other’s body language. They can see you and your facial expressions. You’re emotionally responding to things, and you can pick up on their emotions. You don’t always get that through a phone call.”
Going away with your friends will help you spend pure quality time together. We don't get a chance to have heart-to-hearts during coffee dates or cinema trips so it is the perfect way to bond with your best pals.
If anyone needs us we’ll be looking up Air BnBs with our besties. A holiday is well-needed!