Would you ever live in a floating city? In fairness, it would be pretty cool (that's if you're not afraid of water).

It seemed something like this would be created years into the future, but as it turns out, it's not that fair away from happening.

The Daily Mirror reports that The Seasteading Institute has spent the last five years making plans and researching the concept of a city that floats on water.

There's now plans for a permanent floating community to be made in French Polynesia, with their government having signed an agreement with a US company to start construction in two years.

The director of the project, Randolph Hencken said that even though the first floating city will be on Polynesian water, he hopes it will be a basis for a new kind of society.

"We were looking for sheltered waters – we don't want to be out in the open ocean –  it's technologically possible but economically outrageous to afford. If we can be behind a reef break, then we can design floating platforms that are sufficient for those waters at an affordable cost.

"What we're interested in is societal choice and having a location where we can try things that haven't been tried before."

Looking at the video of the plans, it looks absolutely incredible, and while we probably wouldn't live there full-time (is there a shopping centre?) it would be a brilliant place to chill on a summer break.