Girls and body image in 2016: ‘Yes, she is beautiful. Yes, so are YOU’
There are very few young women who haven't, at one time or another, struggled with body image issues.
We firmly believe here in SHEmazing! HQ that we should love ourselves just the way we are, and f*ck everyone who says different.
But, at the end of the day when your feet are sore and your hair is in tatters and you can feel a spot forming on your face, it's easy to feel defeated and it's easy to believe that other people have it easier than you.
That's why one fashion and lifestyle blogger, Fenella Fox of The Fox Files, decided to write this inspiring blog post to women everywhere.
She believes that we all need to take a step back from the realm of social media, and focus on our REAL lives.
"I often see the downsides of body image taking their toll on women, myself included. Is social media who we really are all the time? Of course not!" Fenella writes.
"Take one scroll through my Instagram and you won't find a picture of the stretch marks on my thighs, read through my tweets and you won't actually know how I've been feeling on the inside all week, look through my profile pictures on Facebook and try to realise that I don't actually walk around covered in filters or likes."
The Irish blogger then touches on how we need to stop believing everyone else's life is so perfect – because just like us, people only put what they want people to see on social media.
"There is a huge difference between being able to depend on someone to like your photo and being able to depend on them outside of the screen when real life gets tough. That girl with hundreds of likes who you think is so popular is probably eagerly waiting for one particular person to like it, and even if he does like it, what good is that to build a relationship if he never shows himself in the flesh?
"Just because a man gives you all the attention in the world on your Instagram account, he doesn't know the real you – he doesn't know your favourite colour, the way you talk in your sleep, or the way you like your tea."
And we all know the perfect cup of tea is important! But something even more important is knowing when to retreat.
"All the girls facing the pressures of the ever changing world around them need to take a step back and breathe. Just because you don't look like her, or have her legs, her stomach, her nose, her friends, it doesn't mean you aren't amazing. Another woman's beauty doesn't mean your own disappears."
And to finish off, Fenella encourages women everywhere to look after their bodies, and their minds.
"Your body is a temple, don't let it be brought down by hurricanes of people or an earthquake inside yourself. If this has already happened, then start building and repair the damage – Brick by brick, with stronger foundations, a damn good attitude, a smile to kill and a touch of girl power!
"Yes, she is beautiful. Yes, so are you."
Fenella's blog The Fox Files, touches on aspects of fashion, beauty, relationships, and random rants. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.