4 need-to-know beauty tips and tricks
You need to be aware of these four beauty hacks:
Cat flick the easy way
Always seem to get the shakes when it comes to creating your cat eye look? Arm yourself with a spoon and you are set. Use the handle to create the straight line and the actual spoon to create the curve. Simply fill in with your liner.
Heat your curler with a hairdryer
Curlers are great for creating the ultimate lash look. The most effective time to use it is when it is hot so blast some heat onto your hair curler using the hair dryer to make it easier to curl your lashes.
No curler, no problem
Using your trusty spoon you can achieve to same look an eyelash curler would create. Blast ith with some heat and then place the back of the spoon against your eyelid and press your lashes on using your finger.
Fix broken powders
To fix your broken blush, compressed powder or eyeshadow simply add a teeny drop of water and squash it down together with a spoon. Let it dry before you use it though.