Meow! Jodie Marsh hits out at Holly Willoughby over lipstick blunder
Yesterday, Jodie Marsh appeared on This Morning and suffered a little beauty mishap of having lipstick on her teeth.
Look, it's something that can happen to all of us, and we're sure that you've come home after a long day and discovered you have red all over your teeth and nobody told you.
But Jodie was quite annoyed by the blunder and took to YouTube to make her feelings known.
Was the girl code broken yesterday? Watch this and then decide #ThisMorning https://t.co/TmVSiMq1h2 pic.twitter.com/6MmWkL6v1m
— Jodie Marsh (@JodieMarsh) July 1, 2016
She wasn't happy at all with the presenters for not telling her and said on the video: "I just wanted to turn today into a positive rather than dwell on the negative – rather than dwell on the fact I had lipstick on my teeth and maybe someone should have told me.
"I definitely would have told someone I was interviewing but maybe that's just me," she said.
However, she wasn't just irked by the make-up malfunction. She appeared on the show to talk about her search for a sperm donor, and revealed she was upset that Holly and Phillip focused so much on her past rather than her present.
"The fact is I didn't feel like I had enough air-time today.
"I know they can't give you more than the allotted 8 minutes or whatever but I felt like my air-time focused a lot on the past and who I used to be – and I'm talking 15 years ago – and not the person I am today.
"I just wasn't happy with how it went, talking about me being a sex addict.
"I think all 23-year-olds are sex addicts. You only have to watch Love Island to see that, all having sex on TV – which is something I've never done," she added.