Kit Harington on the tough ending of GOT: ‘Everyone was broken’
Let's not lie to ourselves here, every single one of us will bawl our eyes out during the last season of HBO's iconic fantasy show, Game of Thrones.
How could we not? Any character who has survived up until now gets a medal, to be fair, and our favourites could die at any second.
The visual effects, the romance, the betrayals, the wars, THE DRAMA. *swoons* Kit Harington, Jon Snow himself, recently spoke to GQ Australia, where he revealed how difficult the final season was to film.
It made Harington cry more than once, but according to the protagonist and infamous member of the Night's Watch, the show "seemed to be designed to break us." Same here, Kit, same here.
"Everyone was broken at the end. I don't know if we were crying because we were sad it was ending or if we were crying because it was so f–king tiring," he divulged to GQ Australia.
"We were sleep deprived. It was like it was designed to make you think, ‘Right, I'm f–king sick of this'," he added. We'd crave our beds too.
"I remember everyone walking around towards the end going, ‘I've had enough now. I love this, it's been the best thing in my life, I'll miss it one day—but I'm done.'"
Co-creator of the show David Benioff explained that the lengthy delay between seasons is because of how monstrous a job it is to get the episodes made, especially with the immense visual effects.
"The final season's taking a long time because it's the biggest thing we've ever done," Benioff said backstage at this years Emmys.
"It was nearly a full year in Belfast either prepping it or actually shooting it. I think when people see it, they're going to understand why it took so long. The last season is far beyond what we've ever attempted before."
Richard Pepler, head of HBO, commented he's seen rough cuts of every episode of the final season. Lucky b*astard.
"It's a spectacle. The guys have done six movies. The reaction I had while watching them was, ‘I'm watching a movie,'" Plepler told Variety at a Golden Globes party.
"Benioff and D.B. Weiss knew the bar was high. They've exceeded the bar. I've watched them twice without any CGI and I'm in awe. Everybody's in for an extraordinary treat of storytelling and of magical, magical production."
Details are still pretty (Ned) Stark, however we do know that the BIGGEST Game of Thrones battle ever will take place, and allegiances are shaky AF as the White Walkers march onwards.
The final season is set to debut in April 2019, and Harington can't wait to release it;
"And that weight is off my shoulders. It's done now. I can be proud of it. We've got eight seasons, and they can sit on a bookshelf at home 'til the end of time," he said.