HURRAH! Top tips on how to make your hair colour last even longer

No matter what colour you choose to dye your hair, you are going to spend a good chunk of money getting it right.

Whether you dye your hair a different colour every month or you've had the same hue for years, the challenge is always to make that 'just-done' look last.

However, you actually CAN make that vibrancy hold firm for longer with just a few easy tips and tricks of the trade.

Yes, changing your hair routine in a few simple ways can be seriously effective…


Prep your hair before colouring

This can be done one or two days before you go to get your colour in. Use a chelating or clarifying shampoo to remove styling product build-up. This will stop the colour from fading after you've dyed it and also put some moisture into your locks. 


Avoid hot showers

Hot water dries out your hair and also decreases the life of your hair colour. The temperature will open up your cuticle which then releases the hair colour. Try to wash your hair with room-temperature water and then when you have rinsed, blast your hair with cold water to lock in all the moisture.  


Swimming caution

Swimming in chlorine can dramatically reduce the time you get out of your hair colour. All you have to do is put in a hair protector with SPF, especially if you're on holidays in the sun. This will act as a barrier so the chlorine won't damage your tresses. 


Don't overuse hot tools

Hot tools such as blow dryers and straighteners actually speed up the process of colour fading. Try not to use them every day and use a heat protector spray when you do. 


Try a shower filter

These can be bought at plenty of hardware stores. Water coming from your shower head has lots of chemicals, chlorine and minerals in it that can strip your hair quicker. Using these handy filters will stop your colour from going down the drain. 
