Awkward! This man asked his date for a REFUND after his rejection
There are many stories surrounding the nightmare that can be online dating. There a lucky, and almost mythical few, who make it through unscathed and come out the other side with a shiny new relationship they couldn’t be happier about.
However, those seem to be few and far between. As a result, there are many blogs dedicated to dodgy Tinder dates and awkward coffee shop meetings.
No Bad Dates Just Good Stories is a Tumblr account dedicated to exactly that. Needless to say there are a number of stories to be found there that make us full-body cringe.
One of them in particular though is definitely in the running for worst date ever.
Lauren Crouch (who runs the Tumblr account) writes that her return to the dating did not go well, and that is putting it lightly.
The two met for coffee and he then invited her back to his place as he was expecting a delivery. She declined the offer and shortly afterwards was treated a series of the most awkward text messages ever.
Things just went further downhill from there:
Lauren, who says that she is a “huge” believer in women always offering to pay on dates was naturally less than impressed with his actions.
She wrote: “Yes you do decide yourself what to do with your money, and last night you decided to spend it on a coffee. I don’t come with a money back guarantee. Dates aren’t commodities.”
Now, and you thought your last blind date was less than stellar.