The Fault in our Stars excitement is heating up
For those of you who have read John Green’s best-selling and elegantly beautiful novel, The Fault in Our Stars, news of the upcoming movie is set to delight and excite.
Set for release this summer, the movie follows Hazel, a teenage girl suffering from cancer, as she battles the common teen issues, especially the biggest issue of all – boys.
Enter Augustus Waters, whom she meets at the cancer support group her mother makes her attend. Hazel’s dry humour, stubbornness and honesty about her condition marks this novel as far removed from anything seen before. Let’s hope this translates on-screen.
The film adaptation stars Shailene Woodley as protagonist Hazel and Ansel Elgort as love interest, Augustus Waters.
If you don’t already know the story, you’ll either have to pick up the book or wait for the movie. Set to be the romantic film of the year, The Fault in our Stars is set to tug at your heart string in a major way!