First chocolate, then gin, and now there’s a WINE advent calendar
It's that time of year again when all you want to do is come home from work or college, lunge into your PJs and drink a nice class of wine.
Well, now you can everyday in the run up to Christmas with this WINE advent calendar (because, who needs chocolate or gin?!)
And it's not your average 'Lidl, €7' wine, it's the proper fancy stuff.
Each glass of wine is selected by an expert sommelier, and it claims that each glass gets better as the days go on.
The Vinebox website says: "Bold and aged reds built for fireplace chats and wool blankets. Rich whites as refreshing as unraveling your scarf after a mad dash inside from the cold. 12 different glasses of wine hand-curated to perfectly accompany this holiday season.
"Enjoy a new wine every night, with selections from renowned regions including Burgundy, Barolo, Bordeaux and more! Naughty or nice, these wines are sure to impress."
We'll be guzzling our way to Christmas, so.