If you suffered from acne as a teen (thanks, puberty), we know your pain. Acne is the skin problem from hell! And at the time it seems like they will NEVER ever go away. 

But even if you do manage to move on from the spot-stage in your earlier 20s, a lot of people are left with marks and scarring on their faces – a bit of a beauty no-no. 

However, as skin care technology has improved massively in recent years, we have some kick-ass ways to get rid of (or certainly massively reduce) that acne scarring forever…


1. The best way to not have any scarring is to try to prevent the acne in the first place. Yes, we realise for some that no matter what you do they are always going to pop up. But that is no excuse to give up on your skin altogether.

Try to keep your hands away from your face at all times and never touch the spot. Leave it alone because if you start messing with it, the scarring will end up much worse. Instead, apply a spot treatment that contains either salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur. These ingredients will diminish the blemish and reduce the scarring.


2. Use a mild exfoliator on acne scars to smooth out the skin. You should look for products with the ingredients of rice extract or lactic acid. These will help skin cells turn over faster and bring fresh new skin to the surface. 


3. Even if your acne scars are still on your face from years ago, the war isn't over yet. You can help get rid of the red scarring by using a skin brightening product with either vitamin A or vitamin C in the ingredients. 


4. If you want to use some natural products, they can be found right in your kitchen cupboard. Lemon juice mixed with an equal measure of water can help brighten the scars and baking soda is a great exfoliator.  


5. If all of these treatments cease to work then it's time to hit up your nearest dermatologist. There are only a handful in Ireland so there can be a bit of waiting-list, but they are so worth it. A doctor can get right down to the root of the problem and advise what the best treatment for you will be. 


6. And if that fails, it might be time to look into the laser route. Always make sure you go to a reputable clinic as many treatments don't suit some skin types. This is the most extreme option so proceed with caution.