Ker-ching! So, THIS is how much dosh Coppers rakes in every week
If you've ever found yourself burying your head in your hands as you tried to calculate how much cash you splashed in Copper Face Jacks the previous night, you're definitely not alone.
Binning the countless receipts you find buried at the bottom of your handbag on a Sunday morning is standard procedure for many of us, and after learning how much the Harcourt Street hotspot rakes in every week, we're probably doing the right thing.
According to a report in the Irish Examiner, the nightclub's profits have increased considerably since last year, with the iconic spot currently taking in approximately €100,000 PER WEEK.
That's right, ladies. Those rounds of shots aren't sounding so appealing now, are they?
It has been established that the popular club has seen an 8.6 per cent increase since last year, with gross profits increasing from €10.45 million to a staggering 11.35 million.
Excuse us… we might just need a stiff drink.