Twitter reacts to Peter Kay news, but not everyone is sympathetic
Earlier today, much-loved British comedian, Peter Kay, regretfully informed his fans that he is no longer in a position to honour his upcoming gigs, and has decided to cancel his tour.
"Due to unforeseen family circumstances I deeply regret that I am having to cancel all of my upcoming work projects," he said of his Live Arena Tour and Dance for Life shows.
"My sincerest apologies," Peter continued. "This decision has not been taken lightly and I'm sure you'll understand my family must always come first."
Customers have been assured they will be refunded on their purchases, and while the vast majority of disappointed fans have taken to Twitter to wish Peter well, not everyone has been as sympathetic.
As opposed to focussing on Peter's family situation, some fans have taken a swipe at the star while others have lamented the inconvenience his announcement has caused.
FairPlay, Peter Kays family have told him he’s not not funny so he’s pulled out of all his gigs.#PeterKay
Peter Kay must’ve cancelled upon discovering that he ran out of content about 14 years ago
— Matt (@mattbacon_) December 13, 2017
Peter Kay cancels his tour!#PeterKay pic.twitter.com/veLm9jNKoy
— Harry Judd (@judd369) December 13, 2017
Is this a massive joke or summat #peterkay I’m not seeing him until 2019
— Andrew Butters (@andybutts1964) December 13, 2017
#peterkay unforseen circumstances = gout
— Marc Jones (@marcjtrader) December 13, 2017
Looks like it's back to the drawing board for Xmas presented this year then.#PeterKay
— jake (@J4YK) December 13, 2017
Least I didn’t wait in a cue for about 4 hours#PeterKay
— Josh Cooper (@JoshhCoops21) December 13, 2017
Imagine bragging you got #peterkay tickets few wks back …oooppss
— damo (@damoisback) December 13, 2017
This one really is a “tour that didn’t tour” #Peterkay
— Liam Cowburn (@liam_cowburn) December 13, 2017
Everyones xmas present out of window and i thought i was organised this year#peterkay
— Armi (@jackarmitage8) December 13, 2017