It seems that over the last number of months those little yellow guys with glasses have been everywhere.
Yes, Minions are taking over the world, people are even dressing their dogs like them. Which is obviously adorable, but the Minion-overload has raised an interesting question or two, namely: are Minions male or female?
Well, it would we weren’t the only ones who were curious. Lucky for us, Pierre Coffin, the director and animator of the Minions films, had the perfect response.

He told TheWrap: “Seeing how dumb and stupid they often are, I just couldn’t imagine Minions being girls."
Hilarious. We appreciate his honestly. It did spark further intrigue into whether that means that female voice actors were missing out on job opportunities.
Sandra Bullock does voice the film’s villain Scarlett Overkill, but it is very unusual for a mainstream children’s film to have so many male heroes, reports TheWrap.

Mr Coffin also dropped some more Minion wisdom when he acknowledged that Minions are unable to reproduce. Which is something many fans have been debating, apparently.
He also let us know the backstory of three of the most famous Minions.

“Kevin comes from an ancient Greek word (‘Kevinos’) which means leader,” he explains. “Stuart comes from the Latin word ‘Stuartalumni’ which means (loosely translated) ‘the one who slacks.’ As for Bob, it means short. For Robert.”
Well, there you have it, straight from the creator himself.
There are no lady Minions on our screens because they just aren’t smart enough. Simples.