Some days we don't have time to take 27 different photos just for one perfect shot, so it's wise to have a few hacks to turn to.

Whether you're sick of looking tired and washed out or can't get the lighting right no matter where you stand, there are easy fixes for most selfie problems.

Follow these tried and tested tips, and you'll be taking selfies to beat Kylie and Taylor in no time.

1. Brows on fleek
Okay, well this is a rule for real life too, but it's exceptionally important for your selfies. Well-shaped brows can completely transform your face… and in turn your selfie game. A close-up camera in bright lighting is going to pick up on any flaws, so be sure to tweeze any stray hairs and fill in gaps with a pencil or powder.


2. Define those eyes
If you ever wonder why you look a bit tired in your selfies despite being wide awake, your eye make-up (or lack of it) could be the issue. Scant eye make-up combined with changing lighting can make you look like you're struggling to stay awake, so throw on an extra coat of mascara and brighten up your peepers with some nude-toned liner on your lower waterline.


3. Know your lighting
Brightest isn't always best – natural lighting at dawn or dusk is actually far more flattering than midday sun. If in doubt, face yourself directly into the sun rather than standing in its shadow. If you're inside, get to a window. One foolproof trick is to hold a sheet of white paper under your chin to reflect light upwards, giving you a gorge natural glow.


4. Get your pose down
Know what poses work best for you, be it the smize, the squinch or just a natural smile. But don't be afraid to branch out once in a while. That angry pout probably won't work too well in a selfie with you and your grandma… well, unless she's the one doing the pouting:


5. Choose the right background
Unless your background is something truly beautiful (mountains, beaches, wonders of the world) then keep things simple. A blank wall or some textured wallpaper is a far better backdrop than your messy bedroom. Let your smile do the talking, not your dirty laundry.