Say what?! Jedward and Dido (remember her?) are making MUSIC
We have to admit that this is a bit of a weird one.
The beloved John and Edward shared a photo of themselves with Noughties singer Dido (we sang our hearts out to White Flag way too any times) on Twitter, and it seems they're all teaming up for a song… we think.
Jedward captioned the picture: "We've Been Waiting 🙂 @didoofficial GET ON THAT MIC."
Now, we have a few points about this. Number one – do Jedward still write with Caps at the start of each word?! Very 2004…
We've Been Waiting 🙂 @didoofficial GET ON THAT MIC pic.twitter.com/NLv6y8uX9U
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) September 28, 2016
And two – are they really recording a duet together? Because if so, do their music styles even match?! We can't imagine it.
However, we did LOVE Dido back when she dominated the charts so it'll be great to see her make a comeback.