JEDWARD have now weighed in on the #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty debate


We can't believe how long this Taylor-Calvin saga is going on for. It has to be one of the most explosive break-ups in Hollywood history, and just when you think it's going to calm down, it blows right back up again.

The singer has divided the Internet (and practically the world), and now many people are taking sides in this who-will-come-out-on-top battle.

Calvin Harris went on an explosive rant on Twitter yesterday, calling Taylor's team out for making him look bad. THEN Katy Perry joined in and our minds were blown.

Many celebs have taken sides, as well as… Jedward. The twins took to Twitter to tell their fans that they think Tay is ah-mazing and nobody should believe what's being said about her in the media:

Jedward met Taylor back in 2011 during her Dublin gig, and we'd say they still have a little soft spot for her.
