Meet the two new boys about to stir serious sh*t in the Love Island villa
The Love Island villa is already fairly dramatic, but things are about to get next level chaotic.
After last night's insanely intense recoupling, the producers of the hit ITV show are continuing the madness by sending in two new boys to heat the place up.
Maura and Anna were left single after Tommy and Anton chose Molly and Elma instead, and the solo pair immediately got a text saying they're heading on dates already.
Sneak peek! Anna gets her flirt on with new Islander Jordan #LoveIslandAftersun pic.twitter.com/gVncW4wNhm
— Love Island (@LoveIsland) June 16, 2019
The two new additions will mean that there will be an equal number of girls and boys in the house, but are there even enough beds? Probably not…which means sharing is caring.
The first boy up is 24-year-old Jordan Hames, a model from Manchester who is catching Anna's eye and getting his flirt on;
I bring something different to the other Islanders. I’ve got good energy, I’m really bubbly. I’ve got younger siblings I’m always teasing, so I think I’ll be a bit of a joker of the pack
What does he think are his best features? We're guessing he's pretty into himself…
"My best are my jawline, my trainer collection and how laid back I am in life. I don’t take myself too seriously. My worst traits are that I’m quite clumsy.
"I was once on a first date, bought two cocktails, went to sit down and knocked them over. Sometimes I leave things until the last minute, so I’m often in a rush," he said. Sounds a bit cute, eh?
He rates himself as a "solid 9.8 out of 10. Not quite a 10, no one is perfect. My best feature is my hair."
He's already admitted to loving all the girls in the villa; "I’m greedy in that sense. I like blondes, brunettes, red heads. I would say Anna, Amber, Molly-Mae and Elma are on my radar.
Who is he looking for? "Someone who has got nice eyes, good energy and good banter, someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously but is career driven. I like them to be fiery," he said. We reckon Anna's pretty fiery.
"If I’m in a relationship with someone who says ‘yes’ all the time, I’ll just be seeing what I can get away with. I like someone spontaneous, I love travelling. I’m the sort of guy who will book to go on a city break on a Friday and then go on the Saturday."
He calls himself a "smooth operator" when it comes to women, and he prefers to meet girls in real life over online; "I saw a girl who was wearing a nice pair of trainers at a concert once, so I went over and complimented her on them and that’s how we started talking. Otherwise I slide into the DMs."
Jennifer Lopez is his celebrity crush, and his main turn off in a girl 'with a really loud, annoying laugh':
"Over the top. I don’t like really overly dramatic girls. I like girls who are more laid back and chilled, like me. I don’t like drama or people who are high maintenance."
He says he's heading into the villa for himself, so he's going to go all the way to get the girl of his dreams:
"I’m going in on my own, although I want to get along with the lads because I’m a lads’ lad, I’m there for myself so if I see a girl I want, I’m going to go for it."
His claim to fame is meeting David Beckham on a modelling shoot, which we're sure he mentions fairly often…
"For me it takes a lot for me to commit to a girl so when I am single I will dabble here and then. But when I’m committed I am 100% loyal. But only if I meet the right girl," he added.
How loyal will he stay to the boys, though? "I think there’s a gentleman way to go about things. I’m not one to do mates over like that. If I go for it, I’ll do it in the right way."
Fair enough, we're eager to see how things go between Jordan and Anna. Who's heading on a date with Maura? 29-year-old Tom Walker, from Leeds.
He describes himself as 'fun' and 'energetic': "I tend to get on with boys and girls. I’m a people person. I enjoy finding out about people. I’m also opinionated and enjoy good discussions." He sees himself as a bit of a Curtis, able to get on with everyone:
"I’m nosy, I enjoy asking questions and getting to know people. I’m fun and always up for doing things. I’m a yes man, I don’t turn many things down. The downside is that I sometimes find it hard to switch off. I can be quite annoying. I’m always on the go."
He's a model, so he rates his appearance highly enough, but not a 10: "I think I’m a solid eight. I appreciate I’ve been blessed, I wouldn’t be modelling if I wasn’t. People compliment me on my jawline."
Who is he looking to couple up with?
"I like the new girls – Maura is a cannon. She’s gone in there and torn it up. She might be a bit too hot to handle. I really like Elma. She’s got a look I tend to go for. From day one I liked the look of Lucie, although she seems pretty happy and settled with Joe. I’ll find out whether she is when I get in."
We don't reckon Lucie and Joe are that stable, so maybe Tom will cause a split between the pair.
His perfect girl is "Someone that I can be myself around. I don’t have to play anything up or play anything down. Someone who has got an energy for life, enjoys travelling and socialising."
His celebrity crush is Michelle Keegan, and he meets girls in bars or through friends. He's never used dating apps, and all of his dates have been 'plain sailing'.
Bad teeth are his immediate turn-off, and he claims to be a 'man's man', whatever that is. " I get on well with guys, I’ve grown up playing football. But I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do. We’re all in there for the same reason. In terms of loyalty, he admits to having a wandering eye. (Anton, is that you?!):
"I’m a loyal person. Never say never to the wandering eye because it’s the way of the show. "You feel like you’re really into one person but then who knows? I will make calculated decisions and I’m not going to go rushing in. But I’m loyal so I don’t think I’ll be messing people around too much."
He describes 'Bro Code' as; "Just be honest. I don’t really want to deal with people that want to play games."
Would anyone know who the hell he is? "Through my work as a model, I’ve appeared in TV adverts and on billboards. People might recognise me from that," Tom says.
Who do we think the boys will suit in the villa? We can't WAIT for tonight's episode, see you at 9pm lads.
Feature image: Instagram/@tom9walker/@jxrdanhames