Love Island: Samira and Frankie deserved better and it’s not OK tbh
My name is Aoife and I'm possibly addicted to Love Island.
Look, I started the summer as a total Love Island virgin, only tuning into episode one of Series Four because my younger sister was and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.
While the first few weeks were quite boring, I did get caught up in the drama of Adam ''I'd be lying if I didn't say she was attractive'' Collard, Rosie's now-iconic ''walk'', Megan being Megan, Jack and Dani's romance/fauxmance (still not sure on that one) and of course, Dr Alex's attempted flirty banter that I'm sure we all cringed through together.
But when my sister and I properly ugly-cried during last night's show, you might think it's because we're just too invested in this reality TV bullsh*t.
Which I assure you, we are.
However, it was for a different reason that the episode was particularly heart-wrenching.
Samira Mighty, one of the OG's, finally had had enough so she packed her bags and left the villa, water bottle in hand, head held high.
Okay, so Frankie and Samira spent the night in the hideaway (which wasn't aired) and Samira choreagraphed a whole dance routine for the villa (also not aired) yet the producers have caught EVERY SECOND of Georgie saying she's loyal 30 times a day. #loveisland
— S (@thesamalovell) July 12, 2018
Up until now, I wouldn't have said I was her No 1 fan even though I felt so sorry for the way her villa experience was going.
She was stuck in a ''friendship couple'' with Alex off the bat, she always seem to strike out when it came to any new boys coming in, plus her relationship with Frankie didn't seem genuine because he'd originally admitted that Megan was his first choice.
Like, FFS.
So, when she announced to the rest of the Islanders that she was quitting the show, I was properly shocked that the whole f*cking Island fell to absolute pieces.
The girls were inconsolable, the lads weren't much better and Sam herself couldn't get through a sentence without bawling. I dare you to watch the Alex and Samira chat on the roof and not to get all the feels.
Basically, in the most airtime Samira had gotten over the past five weeks, it quickly became glaringly obvious – that she was the beating heart of the villa.
Eh??? Where was Dani and Samira’s friendship on the show?? Samira and Frankie went in the hideaway?? Georgia and Samira argued a few times?? Imagine editing out 99% of someone’s time on the show just to get the outcome you wanted, best be careful #loveisland
— Lindsay Riddell (@_lindsayriddell) July 12, 2018
So, eh, why didn't we see that?
I know the producers want to air scenes that have the most drama but scenes showing the development of actual friendships is what made the other years of Love Island fun and relatable. And there's been a serious lack of that this year.
I've seen more of Megan's arse and Georgia's rants about her loyalty than I have of, say, Laura and Sam having a laugh/chat/interaction.
So as I was scrolling through Twitter last night, bleary-eyed with emotion, I was hit by another blow.
Samira and Frankie – who I literally had no time for and thought they were a load of sh*te – had been voted into the Hideaway one night and IT.WAS.NEVER.SHOWN.
Like, why? Why did we see Josh and Kaz, Megan and Eyal, etc etc and not them?
So you’re actually telling me that instead of watching Samira and Frankie’s relationship, we were made watch Georgia tell everyone she’s loyal 500000000 times? Fuming #loveisland pic.twitter.com/zZTW1EhsuM
— Kevina (@Kevina__) July 12, 2018
They never got a fair shot for the public to get to know them as a couple and maybe have a chance to be kept in. People can't root for you if they don't know you.
My point is that I understand why the more ''boring couples'' i.e Ellie and Charlie are sidelined a bit, but the editing of the show has essentially robbed Samira, who we all know had a tough time pre-Frankie, of her time on Love Island.
It seems I'm not the only one to be raging at this shoddy editing because Twitter are unleashing their fury too.
One wrote, ''Samira leaving love island & England losing the world cup just proves trump coming here tomorrow is ruining the little good this country had left don’t @ me'' and ''Megan went into the hideaway twice and it was aired. Samira went in with the only guy she had a connection with, but no show. Disgusting bias from Love island bosses.''
Hear hear. Poor Sam suffered a grave injustice and I just can't even with it all.