HOW much? Some debutantes fork out a GRAND on their big night
For 17- or 18-year-olds who have recently polished off their Leaving Certificates and are on the cusp of travel, college, or a first job, it evidently remains a seriously big deal.
The Debs: still a rite-of-passage for tens of thousands of young Irish people – it furthermore is an incredibly expensive event.
Indeed, some young women are parting with an astonishing €1,115 to ensure that they are picture-perfect on the evening in question.
Yes, the inaugural SHEmazing! Debs survey is now out – and it reveals an awful lot about the spending habits of the average debutante in this country.
We spoke to more than 900 hundred gals, and while a four-figure sum may at first seem excessive, spiralling costs quickly add up.
For example, party-goers spend an average of €132 on a pair of tickets… which goes some way to explaining why more than a quarter of attendees snub a date, opting to enjoy the night with friends instead.
Furthermore, young women spend €367 finding the perfect dress, shoes and accessories, and an additional €261 on hair, make-up and beauty treatments.
More than half will also start their preparations a full THREE months before the Big Day – investing in an array of beauty treatments that would make an Oscar nominee proud.
And while most of us end up having a brilliant night, obviously with so much pressure and expectation riding on a single event, things can go wrong too: drinking too much, arguing with friends and the eventual choice of outfit all feature among debutante regrets.
"Although the Debs is a once in a lifetime event, it is shocking to think school-leavers are spending so much preparing for just one night," Susan Vickers, SHEmazing! spokesgirl, said in response.
She furthermore stated: “Our SHEmazing! girls tell us they are feeling under huge pressure to emulate the kind of red carpet looks they see their celebrity idols pull off so easily."