Couples who drink together have longer, happier relationships
If you think nothing of splitting a bottle of wine with your partner on a Friday night, then that could bode well for your relationship.
A new study has revealed that couples who drink together are much happier in the long term than couples where only one person drank.
According to the study, titled Drinking Patterns Among Older Couples, the couples who didn't see eye to eye when it comes to drinking had the most arguments and unhappiness in their relationships.
The imbalance is what seems to cause most of the problems, as couples in which both people drank equally, there were less issues. Interestingly, the study found that in couples where the woman was the one who drank while the husband stayed sober, more issues arose.
"Wives who reported drinking alcohol reported increased negative marital quality over time when husbands reported not drinking," the study said.
Now, that's not to say that a teetotaler can't have a strong relationship with someone who enjoys a drink, but according to the study, finding someone who has the same alcohol habits as you can make life a bit easier and your relationship a bit longer.