FINALLY! How to keep your lovely white jeans FREE from stains

White jeans are great. They go with nearly everything and you can really pull off a cool and classic vibe while wearing them.

In fact, the perfect white skinny jean can take you anywhere you want to go and make you look effortlessly chic while doing so. 

But we all know they have one major problem, they can tell you everywhere you've been in the day just by looking at all the stains on them. Yes, it's heartbreaking that something so beautiful can get so ruined… but we have some top tips on how to keep them clean and unstained. Yay!

If it just so happens that some grumpy guy in the bus queue bumps into you and spills Club Orange all over your pristine white jeans, do not panic!

It can be easily removed by first blotting the stain with some warm water. Make sure to use a white cloth though as you don't want any colour to run onto your jeans from the cloth fabric.

The next go-to move is within the hour, take the jeans off and turn them inside out and run them under water. This allows the stain to go out the same way it came in.

If you do this step with your jeans turned the right way, the stain will sink in further and it will be harder to get out.

Then use some mild spot cleaner and gently work it into the stained area, rinsing with warm water.

If you then want to freshen up your jeans then without having to wash them all over again (repeated cleaning isn't great for them) then hang them in your shower and let the hot water run. The steam from the shower will tighten the jeans right up.

In fact, try to only wash your jeans when they get really dirty.

Also never use fabric softener or bleach on white jeans as they will create a yellow tinge. 
