Anna, Elsa and Olaf are going live! Frozen is headed for Broadway


If you thought you had seen the last of Disney's most popular animated film ever, you have been seriously misinformed. 

Because not only is Frozen getting a sequel, but it will also be made into a Broadway musical for 2018. 

And we are totally not ashamed to say that as fully-fledged adults, we adore this film. 

Following on from the success of the movie and the animated short Frozen Fever, Disney has announced that it will be adapting the beloved kids story to the stage. 

And the company intends to include many of the same writers and musicians who were involved in the original film. 


Disney also announced a sequel in December. 

"We enjoyed making Frozen Fever so much and being back in that world with those characters," said John Lassester, chief creative officer of Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios.

"[Writers] Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck have come up with a great idea for a sequel and you will be hearing a lot more about it and we're taking you back to Arendelle. We are so excited about that."

Planning a trip to New York in 2018 ASAP. 
