Woman share their body shame experiences with powerful hashtag

Body shaming is still alive and well in society, whether it's in the Instagram comment section or among a peer group.

For many people, body shaming is something they deal with everyday, and the very first time anyone made a comment about their bodies was memorable.

The founder and CEO of sportswear company Oiselle Sally Bergesen took to Twitter to ask women to share that first comment on Twitter to shed light on the issue.

Hundreds of women took to the hashtag #TheySaid after Sally shared her own experience of being called a 'butterball' as a child. 

Women from all walks of life and of all shapes and sizes shared their experiences, proving not only that body shaming is a regular occurrence, but that it effects women of all sizes. 

Many of the experiences were completely heartbreaking: 

The comments were made by family, co-workers and even college professors. 

The hashtag aimed to create a narrative around body shaming, and women from around the world are still contributing.  
