Why it’s totally acceptable to stay in your Christmas PJs all day long
When it comes to comfort, Christmas is the one day of the year when pretty much anything goes.
Wear you dressing gown at the dinner table? – No problem.
Nip to the shop in your slippers? – Go right ahead.
Stay in you onesie all day long? – Absolutely, in fact, we insist.
Christmas day is all about family, food and feeling cosy, which is why we've come up with a few reasons why staying in your onesie all day is perfectly acceptable.
1. It's waaay more comfortable than that itchy Christmas jumper
If anyone finds a more comfortable clothing item, we want to be the first to hear about it.
For now though, you'll find us lounging in front of the telly in our favourite onesie.
2. You don't need to waste time getting changed
There's dinner to be cooked, presents to be opened and cheesy Christmas films to watch – honestly who has the time for anything else?
Just roll out of bed and let the festive fun begin!
3. Save your 'good clothes' for a day you're actually going to leave the house
Sure, everyone like to look their best at Christmas time, but when your aunt Marie is the only one to compliment your efforts, you're better off saving yourself for Stephen's Day.
4. More room for turkey
Christmas Day is the one day of the year when it's totally acceptable to eat your body weight in glorious food – the skinny jeans are just holding us back.
5. They can actually be pretty stylish
The onesie game has gone from strength to strength over the past few years, meaning we no longer have to compromise style for comfort.
Oh, what a time to be alive!