Over the years at RTÉ there have been many instances of hecklers and protestors making their voice heard at shows such as The Late Late Show – and now The Saturday Night Show is a victim!

As the credits rolled and Brendan O’Connor began to call a competition winner, a man began to heckle: “Kenny Kenny out out” – but don’t worry, it wasn’t poor Pat Kenny being attacked again, but Enda Kenny. Or at least we assume so…

However, kudos have to go Brendan O’Connor’s way as he shouted at the heckler: “Will ya sit down ya clown!” who had now moved on to shouting about RTÉ propaganda. 

Never a dull moment on Irish TV – that’s for sure!

To be fair to him…he handled it a lot better than Pat Kenny did back in the day, which oddly enough Brendan O'Connor was on stage for…