Instagram upgraded its search function last year to make it easier for us to find people we know, but now the social media giant is about to embark on a new feature which will make stalking, erm, we mean searching, even more handier.

Until now, if you wanted to see who follows you, you'd have to go into your followers on your profile and then scroll through until you found the person you're looking for, which we all know can takes aaages.

But with IG's new update, all you have to do is put their name into the search bar and the new results panel will tell you straight away if someone is following you or not. Simple!

But, Mashable is reporting a even better twist that will make searching even easier. 

It can also highlight users who have recently shared a new photo which means you'll be able to see if your crush follows you and know exactly when they post new Insta's, which, as we all know, is really important.

The new search is currently being testing on a few lucky iOS users, so hopefully within the year we'll all have it.