Ever wondered why you have that voice inside your head telling you to eat the last slice of cake? Or pushing you to hide the glass vase your broke on your mam?

Well, as it turns out, our genes may be to blame for all the naughty things we got up to over the years.

In a breakthrough discovery, scientists have discovered a mathematical model which determines the likelihood of you turning out good or bad.

The researchers at the University of Exeter studied the behaviour of various colony-living creatures, such as bees.

By looking at their models, they were able to better explain that genes have a play in whether you only look out for yourself, or look out for others.

The scientists also took into account environmental factors which play a MAJOR part – but depending on the genetic variations we're all born with, they found that individuals are pre-programmed with instructions on how to behave.

According to DNA India, up until now, scientists have been unable to fully explain how ‘genetic polymorphism*’ plays into the behaviour of individuals.

"Social evolution theory hasn't previously addressed genetic polymorphism," said Stockholm University's Professor Olof Leimar, who lead the study. "We have developed a model that allows us to explore this within a general framework alongside other behavioural influences.”

So all of them naughty things you did aren't really your fault, right?!


*Polymorphism: the presence of genetic variation within a population, upon which natural selection can operate.