Sometimes, we just need to look at pretty pictures that soothe our souls. 


#TGIF treat yourself 

A photo posted by lilymaymac (@lilymaymac) on

That is why we have done a round-up of the most beautiful gelato flowers on the Internet… for your viewing pleasure. 


I scream, You scream.. xD #icreamy #icecream #flower #actuallytastelikegreentea #notbad #summerdownunder

A photo posted by Richard Luu (@gundofu) on

It is actually hard to believe that something so gosh-darn pretty could be made from ice cream, but hey… welcome to the future. 

 This gorgeous dessert trend started in i-Creamy in Sydney, Australia, and has since become something of an Internet sensation. 

In fairness, they are extremely photogenic ice creams… very Instagram-worthy! 

We could look at these all day and not get bored!