So, if you've ever dabbled in the world of online dating you'll know that height is a big factor when searching for a partner. 

Most daters feel obliged to share their inches with potential matches, and it seems they may have good reason. 

According to a recent study, couples with the biggest height differences, specially shorter gals and taller guys, actually have the happiest relationships. 

Researchers surveyed 8,000 participants and found that both men and women enjoyed greater relationship satisfaction in a tall/short pairing. 

The results also revealed how taller men are assumed to be more trustworthy and capable by employers, making them more likely to earn raises or promotions.

As with most of our romantic instincts, it seems evolution has a big part to play. Going back to prehistoric times, women were more attracted to taller men as they were seen to be better hunter-gathers. 

“Although it has been known that women prefer tall men in mating for evolutionary reasons, no study has investigated whether a taller husband makes his wife happier. A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness,” explains Dr Sohn in the Journal Of Personality and Individual Differences. 

However, the study found height is only a factor for the first 18 years of marriage. After 18 years, height doesn't matter.